CT Calcium Score

What is a CT Calcium Score?

A cardiac CT scan for coronary calcium is a non-invasive way of obtaining information about the presence, location and extent of calcified plaque in the coronary arteries—the vessels that supply oxygen-containing blood to the heart muscle. Calcified plaque results when there is a build-up of cholesterol and other substances under the inner layer of the artery.

This material can calcify which signals the presence of atherosclerosis, a disease of the vessel wall, also called coronary artery disease (CAD). People with this disease have an increased risk for heart attacks. In addition, over time, progression of plaque build up (CAD) can narrow the arteries or even close off blood flow to the heart. The result may be chest pain, sometimes called "angina," or a heart attack.

As calcium is a marker of CAD, the amount of calcium detected on a cardiac CT scan is a helpful tool. The findings on cardiac CT are expressed as a calcium score.

  1. You may require blood work done prior to your CT Angio. You will receive a requisition from your Cardiologist.
  2. No solid food 4 hours prior to CT. May have clear fluids (no caffeine) and regular medications.
  3. No exercise on the morning of the CT.

  4. 12 hours prior to CT:

  5. No smoking
  6. No caffeine (coffee or colas)
  7. No alcohol
  8. No Phosphodiesterase ( i.e. Viagra, Cialis)

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